
Iā€™m here to guide you on your wellness journey with a personalised and holistic approach. Through tailored hands-on techniques comprising Osteopathy and Massage Therapy, I aim to address the unique needs of your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Osteopathy focuses on improving mobility, relieving pain, and enhancing overall function through hands-on techniques. Suitable for people of all ages that addresses a wide range of issues, from chronic conditions to sports injuries.

  • Designed to support both athletes and non-athletes pre and post training. It benefits anyone who exercises by enhancing flexibility, alleviating muscle tension and aiding in exercise recovery.

  • Easy-claim payments are made in-person with just a few clicks. All you need is your policy or membership number. If unsure, please check your insurance plan before booking. Applies to both osteopathy and massage services.

  • Osteopaths are registered ACC providers, allowing them to assess and treat ACC-covered injuries without requiring a referral. This self-referral process makes things much simpler!

    ACC services are currently only available at Fine Tune Allied Healthcare.